Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's a beginning....

ok...there are way too many choices and questions in creating a blog....I don't even what I want to! Sometimes I want to shout out to the whole world some thought or idea and other days I can barely remember to swallow and breathe....I would like to think it's just my age and chemical fluctuations that go along with that but I have always had these issues.

Now, I just wanted to get in on this blogging thing before I chicken out! There are many things I like to talk and learn about so that is why I chose the name. Or rather, the word-play on the name....So you will never know what to expect but, hopefully, that will be the fun part! Some possible subjects might include: food (all things pertaining to it)

Home education, particularly Classical Conversations since I am beginning that this year after 15 years of home-schooling using various and sundry other methods! (notice that I was able to use the actual phrase here. I hope I don't over-use that).

Exercise. This section will focus mostly on my battle to find someone who can stand me long enough to create an actual routine that will really work. I go through exercise partners like my mother goes through paper towels(insert better analogy here).

My children...I use that term loosely since two of them are technically adults. However, they are still mine (and still living at home) so I reserve the right to blog about them.

Pastor's Wife-ness....more to come on that because it's not really that different from regular wife-ness, which will also be included in this portion.

Books. Ad nauseam!!! My interests are truly Vary-ous and sundry when it comes to books. It may also bleed into a general entertainment section that might include movies, internet vids, music and in small doses, television but I am trying to improve myself by turning it off more off-ten (I know it's not the right way to spell that but I couldn't resist).

Well, I guess that's all I want to say today! My main goal in life is to love the Lord God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and my neighbor as myself. That last part is the part that can only happen after the first thing happens so I am still not there. Please pray for me so that I can love people like God does!